Bean Burrito

I've got a hand signature on my wall!

I would watch if I knew she would not be coming back, and that it was plummeting into the sun.

Welcome to a new economy, and a new world filled with all-consuming greed.

"Unless you're a Sprint customer.." I don't get this. Did they say "screw you, now you all gotta pay" to their customers?

Commenters, chant with me!

Here. Drink this water.

At first I thought Life in a Day would be a sad and tragic video about babies that die during childbearing or shortly after, but this was much better.

In the field of robotics that walk style is called "swag."

Hmmm, I couldn't decide between the joke about Apple adding an extra 20% markup to their products because you're now doing it yourself, or that they'll begin staffing more than 30 employees per shift at each store because they're needed even less.

The key thing to remember is "from the sidelines." This sounds very interesting. I wish that hackers wouldn't be bitches and rat each other out like they have in the past and actually fight together for good things, like the child porn ring. They can become supermen.

cool creepy music. Kind of out of place. nothing really creepy about this

So I guess the next step is finding a woman to fund a solution to you grammar problem, but unfortunately only 90% of it will get solved.

I'm just surprised because this has happened before, and we never really set out to solve the problem until just recently. Even worse is in all the billions of dollars BP never even planned for this contingency, even though it's an obvious problem that might've happened: and did.

If you don't like picking up cat poo, just teach your cat to poop in a toilet.

Man created the problem, man solved the problem. What's the lesson here? That man shouldn't exist in the first place?

Error 502, Bad Gateway.

The guy is looking down, unpleased with the new Volkswagen he just purchased in the following ad placement.

I hated Sprint because of the bullshit they put me and my family through. I quit them on principle, but still longed for their "no slowdown," ideas. Now they've just dived into the cell carrier shitpile with the rest of the carriers. Here's to shooting yourselves in the foot- nix that, here's to shooting OFF your

When will they sell the bean bag version?

THIS IS DORKLY? Oh my God I smiled!