Beamish Kinowerks

Nick Cassavetes directed that. Not a bad film, but he screwed with his father John's script

The Indian Runner is a masterpiece, and I can't believe the reviewer didn't mention it

I'm sure they are. They're Republican assholes, and you're deluding yourself if you think otherwise

Reddit has been polluted by racism, homo/transphobia, and especially misogyny. Anything with the slightest whiff of feminism makes them lose their damn minds

"Libertarian" is code for "Republicans who are into pot". They're every bit as repugnant as the primary wing of the GOP

I've always called bullshit on that. Parker and Stone don't give a fuck about mocking conservatives, and they're global warming denialists, too.

You can draw a clear beeline from right wing garbage like South Park to dangerous shit like Reddit, 4chan, Breitbart, Infowars, and the culture of doxing

Alt-righters are still galvanized by bullshit like South Park

The message is that Germany has engaged in self-reflexivity and evolved, while America hasn't, and now its empire is ending

That's why we call states with those things shithole flyovers!

America IS a rogue terrorist stateā€¦

Spoken like a true reactionary, ultra-Zionist moron. You people are really frightening

One of the most cynical, yet enjoyable, films I've ever seen. Unlikd the original, the characters are more interested in fucking, not love. Terrific songs, too, and the "Cool Rider" montage made me a lifelong bike fan

It's a piss poor excuse for a Muppets movie. I can't believe anyone would defend that crap

There were rumors some years back that he wanted to take his name off the execrable Jason Segal Muppets film

The Henson estate is as awful as Roald Dahl and Dr. Seuss'

I wonder if part of the reason for the length of Dunkirk is that Nolan wanted WB to make as many 70mm prints as possible (it will have the most since Ron Howard's Far and Away in '92), and this was a compromise

Two, four, six, eight, who do we assassinate?-NYC jump rope chant, 1968


"Screw character development and good dialogue!"-Rogue One and TFA fans