BRIDESMAIDS disgusted me. Horribly unfunny, and aesthetically awful.
BRIDESMAIDS disgusted me. Horribly unfunny, and aesthetically awful.
or, you know, shut up people with discerning taste
No, thanks
better than full Rob Sheffield, maybe?
Removing anal polyps>The Black Keys
Does Carney even know that the Zero shirt was made by a skateboarding company? What a prick
I don't understand why people piss on Jet and give a pass to equally boneheaded, boring stuff like The Black Keys
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences Museum should fulfill your wish. Many of the costumes they'll be housing were already displayed at the L.A. County Museum of Art-terrific stuff.
James also wrote/illustrated a neat kids' book about trick r' treating at Uncle Andy's
Art Spiegelman did solid work on the cards, too. I love the holyfuckingshit film with Anthony Newley (whose own directorial out, Can Hieronymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Love, deserves a My Year of Flops entry).
they didn't just date-they were engaged for a while. Lucas gave her a massive engagement ring
but where would Jay McInerney party with the Hearst sisters?
right, but he owns a huge cache of vintage sci-fi art, Norman Rockwell paintings, animation artwork and other great stuff
I love seeing the former site of the Symbionese Liberation Front in Haight-Ashbury.
L.A. already has the *massive* Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences Museum that should be operational next year. I really do want to see Lucas', though-illustrations, film design and matte paintings don't get enough serious appreciation
please tell me you saw Michael Dudok de Wit's The Red Turtle…
Caught The French Connection I AND II at the New Beverly on Saturday evening. I was tempted to stay for William Friedkin's The Guardian (1990) at midnight.
Mani and Reni are the best rhythm section in UK rock
Golden Greats is an amazing record.