Beamish Kinowerks

BRIDESMAIDS disgusted me. Horribly unfunny, and aesthetically awful.

or, you know, shut up people with discerning taste

No, thanks


better than full Rob Sheffield, maybe?

Removing anal polyps>The Black Keys

Does Carney even know that the Zero shirt was made by a skateboarding company? What a prick

I don't understand why people piss on Jet and give a pass to equally boneheaded, boring stuff like The Black Keys

The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences Museum should fulfill your wish. Many of the costumes they'll be housing were already displayed at the L.A. County Museum of Art-terrific stuff.

James also wrote/illustrated a neat kids' book about trick r' treating at Uncle Andy's

Art Spiegelman did solid work on the cards, too. I love the holyfuckingshit film with Anthony Newley (whose own directorial out, Can Hieronymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Love, deserves a My Year of Flops entry).

they didn't just date-they were engaged for a while. Lucas gave her a massive engagement ring

but where would Jay McInerney party with the Hearst sisters?

right, but he owns a huge cache of vintage sci-fi art, Norman Rockwell paintings, animation artwork and other great stuff

I love seeing the former site of the Symbionese Liberation Front in Haight-Ashbury.

L.A. already has the *massive* Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences Museum that should be operational next year. I really do want to see Lucas', though-illustrations, film design and matte paintings don't get enough serious appreciation

Caught The French Connection I AND II at the New Beverly on Saturday evening. I was tempted to stay for William Friedkin's The Guardian (1990) at midnight.

Mani and Reni are the best rhythm section in UK rock

Golden Greats is an amazing record.