Beamer Beamer

I am so glad to finally see there are people out here who are as enraged as I am. I have seen page after a page after page applauding their dismissal even the GOP giving a standing ovation.

Newsflash, racist white Kops are not only killing black people but they are killing white people too. Another newsflash racist white cops can also be racist black Kops. Turn down the sound and just watch.

Political correctness is short for let me be able to dog black people, speak my hate speech and if you speak up about it I can cry this is PC. Let Larry Wilmore talk about race issues and you people start whining like little wussies. Let a black person say something about a white person and he/she is a racist. You

OH no Steven white people are committing crime like crazy. The thing is your crime is not reported on. There are drugged out poor white people in rural areas doing all kinds of crimes, but you never hear about. Let a black person do something and it is all over the news for weeks. In those poor communities the

BS instead of discussing the article which is the review of the Nightly show, you had to bring out black peoples propensity of violence with your weak stats.

So out of 44 million black Americans .00012% commit violent crimes which are gang bangers in drug wars and to you all of us are guilty.

Why is it the forum is it that every freaking article about black people has to turn into black on black violence. The thread is a freaking review of the Nightly Show and her we go.

The majority of black on black violence are in inner cities by gang bangers in a drug war. How do the drugs get into the inner cities? Also in these inner cities there are no jobs, dilapidated failing schools, high incarceration and long sentences for non violent crimes. So if you take this out of the equation