
Your friendly neighborhood Abortion care worker here. This is a great time to self-reflect on how well-meaning “pro-choice” folks can actually stigmatize abortion and help anti-choice rhetoric and laws flourish.

It’s really a none of your business issue.

I’m trying to understand whether I’m misreading this comment or whether it’s victim-blaming with a side of classism. Are you saying self-help coaches abuse fast food workers because they your words, “broken” by the indignity of having to coach fast food workers?

What in the fuck is this stream of garbage here? Is this just an excuse for you to shit on fast food workers (with a healthy degree of projection, I might add) with the most reductive, elitist viewpoint possible? A way for you to excuse this abusive behavior?  I cannot imagine for the life of me what would compel

Non American, non sports person, so all I knew about Kobe Bryant was he was a rapist. Even now, I still am in shock that so many so called feminists will talk about what a tragedy it was that he died.

Kobe Bryant wasn’t a “complicated figure,” he was a fucking rapist.

Were any other lesbians disappointed when they discovered that the same-sex romance featured on Lifetime’s “Television for women” is about... two men?

Why should Kaia and Cara not act like a normal couple at a protest? Do you want them to go into the closet?

Do not hide your homophobia behind a concern for the BLM movement. This article is gross. Gay couples holding hands is not an announcement. It’s what couples do, and since I don’t see you taking offense to straight couples holding hands you and your homophobia can fuck off. 

A gay couple “reveal” their relationship by existing in public together? And photographed by someone else? This is some homophobic bullshit.

Because they want more disabled people to burden an already stressed system?

That’s literally what actual homophobia is.

You are describing homophobia.

There’s a women out there, who was raped by Kobe, who gets to be reminded of that watching these Kobe puff pieces and self-service #GirlDad bullshit.

Two things:

I’m commenting because this is so dumb and unhelpful. Why the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck do we need more charlatans who hate fat people, believe in magic over science, and, LIKE IN THIS VERY FUCKING ARTICLE, want to continue to allow shitty abusive men to fail upward?

Fuck you and fuck jinni for approving you. Some crazy ass

Hi fellow sufferer!  What works for you?  I’ve been in an FDA trial using suboxone for 10 years which has allowed me to keep working full time.

She has Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) a chronic pain disorder now classed as CRPS II. I have it and it is not fun. She took Humira and Enbrel which is why some people believe she has RA.

I don’t think she failed, the system failed her.