
I have two stories! First, back in 2000, during my first year of college, I had an e-mail address on a website that also had a dating section, although I didn't personally use the dating section. One of my professors, however, did use the dating part of the site! Somehow, even though we did not use the same

My dad does stuff like that, too! He always posts really inappropriate stuff on facebook of half naked women and making jokes about the number 69 and stuff. One time, he was flirting with my mother-in-law in front of me and said something about how he told his last lady friend that their "relationship" would start

That's so gross. I would have thrown up. I'm a restaurant manger and, while I can assure you I do not run an establishment that houses cockroaches, on the off chance someone did find a dead bug at the bottom of their drink, I certainly would have done more than offer to replace a drink. I don't really understand

I completely agree. I found out about this day during my first year of college in 2000 and I've never been able to figure out in the 14 years since what good it does. Why would we want LGBT kids to be silenced further? I came out in high school in 1998 and had a very, very rough time of it. I was the first and

Oh, I know— I actually like most Mormons I meet. It's nothing personal against Mormons. It's just most people don't like missionaries from any religion visiting their home. Any religious missionaries would have done the trick for us.

We love the Mormon pageant and go every year (it's just an hour north of us). It sounds like you've been? It's definitely a lot of fun. Have you toured the Mormon historical sites in the area? That's a lot of fun, too.

My wife is a waitress and once had some drunk asshole who didn't leave a tip on the table. When he was leaving, he said, "here's your tip!" and gave her a check. She was happy with that until she saw that he had written $0.00 as the total. Of course, this check had his name and address on it. We live just south of

I'm so glad we can finally file federal taxes together! It was such a pain in the ass to have to do a fake federal return together so we could do our NY state taxes as a married couple and then do our real federal returns separately. It broke my heart every time to have to check off the single box on my federal

I am a Mainer who does not like Bob Marley, so not all of us like him! I don't get it either.

My wife went to Catholic school as a kid. She often tells the story of how she started hating it because her cat had died and one of the nuns at school told her the next day her cat would not go to heaven. She's still mad at that nun. Who even does that? If a kid's pet just dies, even if they directly ask if you

Yeah, I definitely can't imagine why else a college would want someone like her there.

That is just heartbreaking. I don't even know what to say.

I'm actually kind of dreading this change. I manage a chain restaurant and am salaried, but I have a doctor's note restricting me to fewer hours than I am actually paid for because I'm a cripple and can't be on my feet that long. So, I'm currently paid for 50 hours but working 40. I kind of liked that arrangement.

Last night, I realized our local Regal had raised prices again— it's now $11.50 for adult tickets! It was $4 when I was a kid. We don't even live in a big city, so I don't know why the prices are so high here.

I know. I always kind of assumed everyone was like me— didn't really like champagne, but would drink it to celebrate stuff because that's just what you do. It's not like most people go out and buy champagne just for everyday drinking like they do red wine. Guess I was wrong.

I love the little black stripe down the middle of her face. She's a cutie! We had two cats (one has since died, still have the other, though) that were orphaned in a fire at two weeks old and we bottle-fed them. It was a little rough at times, but they turned into two huge, strong, healthy cats. I miss the orange

When I was in elementary school in the late 80s and early 90s, there were a few kids who had Capri Sun every day. They also had corn chips every day. I had neither, but whenever I saw them drinking Capri Sun, I smelled corn chips, so for the longest time as a kid, I thought Capri Sun probably tasted like corn chips.

I once lost a loose tooth to an airhead! It was a baby tooth, so it wasn't a big deal. I was pretty happy about it, really, because I was excited about getting that dollar from the tooth fairy.

The Mia Foundation does such great work. You should follow their Facebook page and you can see tons of adorable puppies like this little girl. There are lots of heartbreaking posts because they take in puppies with all kinds of disabilities and some of them just don't make it, but there are enough happy stories of

We got the leash with two clips on it (called a training leash) and a freedom no pull harness from this website: