-Ok, sounds watchable.
-Ok, sounds watchable.
Ringworld is pulpy... You have offended me, sir!
Jonathan Kent died 1997 according to the movie...
Ok, one more :-) He is still young, the super human thing is new for him, he is scared. Cavill doesn’t look it, though. And his Dad said no, and he is still a good kid. Without that, the scene would be very weak, yes.
He was brought up as an example of a well done inhumanly good person, numbnuts. But that was meaningless prattle that sounds good. And if you think about it... see what I wrote above.
Well, he is an interesting character in the movies, not the bland, blank slab of rock I know from the little bit of comics I do know. Even if that wasn’t the goal (would surprise me, it’s so obvious), what the artist wants to say has no meaning for the interpretation of media. You should have learned that in school :-)
A grown man who wants to go to war, but not to kill people, is delusional and dangerous, not a hero...
Dude, read, then write. Never wrote I loved superman, just that I like him in this. I could never understand what was so interesting about a physical god, without any flaws, except when one of the millions of writers gives him one. Add to that the usual problems with comic books, no plot, no planing, no consistency,…
Why do you people have to ruin this for us? Finally there is a big super hero series (again, after the new X-Men series went down the hole) that’s not between well done popcorn cinema (Guardians of the Galaxy, Deadpool) and utter crap (Age of Ultron, Apocalypse). You have the comics, you have all the uninteresting…
Funny. The two movies were all about giving him a personality, and setting up his character, instead of making him into a boring, empty wish fulfillment canvas, that gets painted and shat on by a million people.
Looking forward to The Great And Powerful Turtle. That was an awesome arc.
HA! I saw that coming. If you look for it you will find it. And there is tons of really disturbing stuff in there. Wait until you see the Astronomer...
We are talking about science here. The meaningless prattle from the humanities isn’t wanted there. English is bad enough for exact phrasing...
Also, HoI3 just seems not really playable. Everytime I played and I entered war, everything went tits up. It’s too much stuff, too much Paradox UI, and too few really working systems. And it has Vickys problem that you need to know where there are what bugs, and where there is undocumented stuff. I really tried...
Thanks. Everytime something like this comes out and Titan Quest isn’t even on there, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Titan Quest destroyed all my desires for other ARPGs. Not as totally as Paradox Grand Strategy destroyed my desire for Civ or MoO or somesuch, but still... My copy of D2 is somewhere, I don’t even…
What does “[...] Superman wears the Schutzstaffel.” mean? I’m german...
So... Is this the series of Sandersons Legion?
You know, the people who say that something could be understood in a bad way are almost as bad as the people who do understand it in a bad way. Sure the classist and eugenic stuff could be seen there. I just think, there are many obvious reasons for parental intelligence to influence filial intelligence, and then I…
So, the soverign decreed that all that money was to buy land there, and do something about the situation, it was used for everything else. The ones responsible for that clearly have to be fired. For elected officials you have to impeach them....
Who would use a credit card at an ATM? Sure there are some of those, but they are ridicolously expensive.