
When the Go-Go’s released their documentary, they used the press as a platform to get into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Sheryl Crow flat out stated that she agreed to a documentary so she too would have a better shot at getting into the Hall of Fame (she did BTW)

It happens everywhere. People get jobs because of family all the time. Most of those insufferable “business” books stress building a network and they always stress that your first network is always your family.

Now playing

This is one of the better Criterion Closet shorts on its own, and it’s also really illustrative of part of the family business side of nepo babies when it’s done right.

Yeah, Jaden Smith immediately comes to mind of a sidelined nepokid, whereas Willow Smith for the most part has a lot of musical talent. Seems odd when they’re from the same family.

Yeah, they might get a break or two that someone else wouldn't get, but if they stink, they won't get jobs.

The children of wealthy, influencial, famous people will always have a advantage, no matter what they choose to do. Hollywood doesn’t seem overwhelmed with the kids of A List celebs. I judge film actors differently than stage actors. Brilliantly scripted and produced movies can compensate for poor acting only so long.

Where nepo babies are concerned, in front facing entertainment there’s at least a filter...if you’re a shitty actor or singer, no matter how A+ list your parent is, you’re going to get sidelined.

It’s so exhausting to see practically every rich famous white guy who reaches a certain age adopt these same tired tropes about “wokeism” simply because they amuse themselves with it and assume that everyone will be just as amused. It’s old, it’s unoriginal, and it’s the #1 sign that someone has become out of touch

Going back to my youth, the Onion had a story that stuck with me headlined

For reasons I can’t explain, rappers haven’t aged as well as rock stars, jazz musicians or blues, pop, or country artists.

The problem isn’t venue sizes, the problem is people are fed up with ridiculous ticket prices.

Crazy thought: How about these artists start touring smaller venues?

By miles and miles, I prefer Parton’s original, vulnerable, tragic “Jolene”.  So there.

To me it was a really worthy spiritual successor to The Princess Bride - just a fun, funny, poignant, top-to-bottom perfect fantasy adventure movie.  Absolutely loved it, and so did the kids and everyone else I know who saw it.  JUST MAKE A SEQUEL, YOU IDIOTS.

......I meant the paragraph wasn’t that hard to read.

Hughes et al once made their DM so mad that he stopped their D&D game. Not that hard.

We are truly blessed that Hugh Grant has reached “Fuck it, I don’t give a fuck” stage of his career. 

Honor Among Thieves was really just too fun.  It’s a shame it didn’t do the numbers it needed too.  

> “...and Nosforateau (Max Schreck and Klaus Kinski)...”

Don’t forget Willem Dafoe as Max Schreck as Nosferatu in Shadow of the Vampire.