
Not to mention Luke had basically transcended the Jedi’s take on the Force and aligned himself in a way that felt more organic to him. It’s not that Luke couldn’t have faults - he has since early on - but that the Jedi couldn’t.  Luke ultimately becomes one with the Force in a way even more directly than Obi Wan and

“The mythology Middle Earth is based on takes place on “Earth” as well.”

I seem to remember a comment in the first season as well about how she used to have her own group of friends before Kevin, so I’ve always assumed that he gradually isolated her from all her support networks as well as abusing her financially.

Or, and just hear me out, maybe certain pieces of media labelled “nerdy” have actually always been wildly popular with the general public? Maybe that’s why LotR has never fallen out of print and was adapted into one of the highest grossing film trilogies of all time, Star Wars was at one point the highest grossing

to the point where they got beaten by Black Panther globally

Oh, and one more thing, because I forgot to address it.

“I’m sure people would be outraged at a version of Aladdin with random white people in it.”

That’s because it’s a good movie.

The movie’s not perfect, but it was literally breathtaking for me since, for the first time since Empire Strikes Back, I had no idea where any individual scene or the overall movie was going. After decades of predictable storytelling, Johnson flipped over the table and did new and exciting stuff.

It’s imperfect, but by FAR the best of the Sequel Trilogy. It was unexpected, beautiful, frustrating, thrilling, and, you know, we’re still talking about it. When was the last time anyone mentioned Rise of the Skywalker or whatever the fuck?

There’s a lot of context needed for this.

I’m guessing at the motivations of the writers, but my guess is that they don’t show Kevin outside of the sitcom world because that’s what a lot of abused women suffer with. Their abuser only shows themselves to her and most people around them either don’t see it or choose not to see any of that behavior.

I wish the show would delve into the financials more because in my opinion Kevin is engaging financial abuse and I do think it premeditated on a certain level because it isn’t played off as shopping addiction.

“Why doesn’t she just leave?”

For myself, I can’t understand why every single time the subject of Knives Out comes up, half a dozen people all feel the compulsive need to tell everyone that it was actually not that great.

There is enough raw material in various Tolkien writings that the right creative minds could conceivably flesh out into interesting narratives. Whether or not this team managed to do so has yet to be seen.

Isildur’s failure is pretty overblown and I blame the movies for that. He never stood in Mount Doom and decided not to chuck the ring in. The true nature of the ring wasn't even made apparent to him until later, and nobody (not even Elrond) knew the true extent of it's power. So yeah, he had hubris enough to think he

Arnor was the northern kingdom.

Princess Disa doesn’t have a beard! Cowards!

if you know Baltimore and that means something to you”