
Didn’t spot the first reference to Wolverine? When Jen was looking at the job listicle page, the sidebar had a link titled,Man Fights With Metal Claws In Bar Brawl”. There was also a link just below it that just said, “Why There Is A Giant Statue Of A Man Sticking Out Of The Pacific Ocean”, which cracked me all the

New Yorkers (especially Manhattanites) like to think of themselves as very cosmopolitan. In reality, they are the most provincial mother fuckers alive.

Agreed. At it’s heart this is a Cozy Mystery. With F-bombs. Everyone from Bunny to Howard to Sam is there to create a community that we root for (and suspect) while solving a mystery.  

Cider jelly for anything pork-based. Hard to find outside of Vermont, but absolutely worth tracking down. (Or make your own, if you’ve got a source of high quality cider.)

Nice example of shit you’re comfortable saying on the internet, but I guarantee you would never say to my (or anyone’s) face.

I mean it’s not totally unbelievable.

It’s one of the awful truths of being a female human: If she's not really really pretty, built like a sex symbol, or so ugly people can’t look away, a girl doesn’t really get seen. I have no problem believing that no one recognized Becky in Poppy as plain drab Becky probably never registered much visual attention

Can we get a shout out for Jayne Houdyshell as Bunny.

Well, those were characters, not clues to the killer or the killer herself. What were dangling questions with them the show didn’t address? Other than Nina being a red herring, they were there for either comedy (Saz, Amy Schumer following on Sting as the building's celebrity), or there for the emotional drama with our

My favorite preliminary theory I’ve heard about Season 3 is that that little convo between Charles and Rudd behind the curtain was play dialogue they were nailing down.

There’s a really simple mnemonic device for this, too:

I think the idea of success in art is just really skewed. Very very few people get to have a name that most people know. But if you go see Beyonce play a stadium, every single creative person on that stage and associated with the production has “made it”. Every musician, sound person, dancer, choreographer, lighting

The show seemed to imply that Becky was the type of person nobody paid attention to before she disappeared and she reappeared in a role which nobody paid attention to.  All she really had to do was avoid her father and the mayor

He only made up “really wanted to be a doorman”, I think.  I think?

Oh, we were BOTH right!

“Why Poppy texted the trio using Det. Williams’ phone to get out of the building when she wanted to frame the”

But shout out to Adina Verson for acing the killer supporting role she got.

As a kid I played a board game called Careers, where you started by setting a secret formula of Fame, Money and Happiness points, then ran around the board trying to collect enough of each to win the game by hitting your targets of each. I’ve come to understand that success in the arts, and particularly the performing

I guess the only upside is that youre never wondering “what if”? You know what if, you tried and failed.