
Of course Barry’s not evil; he’s at an often-hilariously childlike state of emotional development, though. He has for the whole series had a sincere desire to stop killing and live a normal life, but a childlike expectation to be able to do so without facing any consequences for what he’s already done, even if that

Barry is deeply, deeply broken, and I think you’re right that, at his core, he’s not evil. He’s so desperate for love and affection and validation that he will do whatever is asked of him to get it, up to and including killing people for money. Fuches is evil. But Barry’s a monster. He’s the dog turned feral and

I’m thinking the same thing. Season 4 will revolve around how the events of Season 3 affect Gene, Sally and NoHo Hank; Fuches’ attempts to play the system and get out of jail; and Barry actually finding peace there.

Labeling her actions homicide is just lazy in my opinion.

I’m glad Barry got what he deserved, but, from a storytelling standpoint, I’m also glad he finally made an actual choice, with pinning Sally’s actions on him. He’s been pretty passive, either reacting to situations, or acting out of self-preservation, so we never got to see what meaningful choices he would actually

Yes, he said Hank’s name, and then Hank embraced him. So he is not brain dead, but he has just gone through who knows how much torture and trauma, and then it stopped suddenly and the love of his life shows up out of nowhere. He was definitely in some form of shock (no pun intended), I would say.

Yeah, I was thinking about that. It’s been kind of hard to keep track of the details of Barry’s various murders, thanks to the years-long break before this season, but all they have on Barry for Janice’s murder is what Cousineau told Papa Moss, right? And all Cousineau knows is what Fuches told him. So you have Person

I’m honestly curious what kind of experience some crew member had with Motocross people for the show to portray them all as being so cartoonishly, chaotically evil.

One thing I noticed in terms of theme is that everyone who sought Barry for revenge failed to get it (and all in a different way, including one person just quitting out). The person who sought Barry for justice succeeded.

I sometimes listen to her music to counteract my rage toward LA traffic.

Yes, you’re free to tell and even sell your story. The recordings are irrelevant except that you can use them in your defense if Cruise sued you for libel/slander.

In the US at least, you would absolutely and 100% be able to tell your story of Tom Cruise and codpieces. This is true in all 50 states, but does not preclude the possibility of getting murdered by scientologists. 

“Jean-Xavier de Lestrade” is an excellent villain name so I don’t know why he’s so surprised. At least the guy isn’t developing a weather domination device in a secret volcano lair somewhere.

I think it’s less that Miller has any leverage and more that as the lead, they are in almost every scene of the film, which has been fully shot, and whose cast is filled with busy professionals. To reshoot the entire film would be a massive, massive undertaking and a huge financial burden. It would also push the

Now playing

Yeah, that “Best Song for Social Change” sounds like a trainwreck.

Yep. Nothing wrong with they/them personal pronouns, but you can’t just treat it as if you’re find-replacing all the he/hims. I know high school writing guidelines forbid the over-repetition of proper nouns but in this case you need ignore your “bad writing” instincts.

I’m not really seeing anyone “hating on” Sally here, just a debate as to whether she’s always been a narcissist or if Barry’s influence has corrupted her in some way. (Unless you mean in the show?)

Barry notably didn’t kill Ryan, the Chechens did. definitely feels noteworthy that the one relative of the person Barry didn’t kill, Ryan’s dad, saves Barry instead of killing him

Anyone else notice how Natalie’s show shamelessly panders to BanShe’s algorithm? The BanShe rep said that people were more likely to watch the whole show if the season starts with someone eating a dessert and if it incorporates Central Park.

As with Cousineau, Barry has poisoned those around him, brought out their greed or violence or capacity to accept evil.”

I don’t know that I buy the notion that Barry did much to elicit any particular problematic behavior from any of these people. Cosineau was, as we learned in some detail last week, infamous industry