I thought the “they don’t work” thing regarding stones in Loki was specifically that they don’t work in TVA headquarters.
I thought the “they don’t work” thing regarding stones in Loki was specifically that they don’t work in TVA headquarters.
Or they simply fall under the “magic doesn’t work in the TVA” rule. They never showed us what would happen if someone snatched a stone and tried to use it in another timeline or whatever.
But what if you think Skyfall is a ridiculously overrated mediocrity?
I don’t see “give toddler coffee and sharpies” then keep them from writing on the wall as an option.
I used to think that everyone had some art in them. Probably because I was so creative. Damn that curse of knowledge. But about 3 years ago I heard about the personality trait openness to experience and how people vary along that dimension, some people have nearly zero creativity. And that’s okay. It’s not an insult,…
considering strip-clubs were usually catered to men and not vice versa
Sad to see the word “read” only mentioned twice. And nothing about reading books.
I’m the one guy who loved “that ABC show The Muppets show.” My wife and I still quote it constantly and every time I rewatch there are so many good bits I missed previously.
I enjoyed Muppets Now, but I really don’t know what’s preventing them from...just doing the Muppet Show again, with the hokey vaudeville theater, the silly skits and music numbers, and the exasperated guest stars, without trying to put some sort of high concept spin on it. It was a good formula! It worked! It’s the…
That’s genuinely lovely. Hope you both enjoy. I recently introduced my seven year old to the original 70s The Muppet Show and it surprisingly holds up quite well.
also, we were texting before millennials even knew what texting was. so they can get the hell off my lawn.
Gen X over here sending whatever because we’re bred to not care.
This looks phenomenal? As much as a tiny snippet can look phenomenal, but it does. Almost Robert Eggers-y. Super intrigued!
Surely we should be calling it “the Scottish Play”?
Well, I did take pains to pinpoint exactly what bothers me about the way certain things are portrayed, about the framing of the topics at hand and how the jokes (and yes, the satire) are applied to them and why I think the show does a very bad, destructive job of handling the topics at hand (which again, this cartoon…
Yet another person I would like to respond to (but can’t because Kinja won’t let me) said they were a suicidal teen and not to get offended on their behalf... I want you to know I’m not. I speak from my own experience.
And I just hate how artless it all is. They’re really basically telling you, by abusing the rhythm and beats of comedy, to laugh at really horrible things. Not at JOKES about horrible things, mind you (which is a huge difference), but at the things themselves.