
This is going to be terrible for my bank account.

Naw dawg. This is good for the consumer.. buy an iPhone, support Android.

Dr. Evil agrees.

Ballchinian scratching came second by a narrow margin...(I debated on whether or not I would post a picture..kinda NSFW???)

Nope. He takes a backseat to Mark Davis.

aaahhh!!!! the tag on the Roku remote.... burning my eyes!!!!!!!!

The "Pet Petter" could be used as an automatic back scratcher.

They'll probably also lose and/or break their iPhone when they bust their ass.

Yeah, same here. It's probably easier to create a fake toe than it is to create a fake thumb.

James Byrne's hand lotion.

nah, that would be nuts.

yeah, but can it run CarrierIQ?

This is why I jailbroke my iPhone. Free tethering (via MyWi) thankyouverymuch.

Yes, and this guy HATES it!

There still seems to be no order to the way Netflix shows you movied in a given category. Please alphabetize, or put in order of most crappy to least crappy, or something!!!

Because tomorrow, it may be gone! BUY NOW! BUY NOW! BUY NOW!!!!!!!!

As someone who has an iPod, an iPhone, and an iPad, I can tell you it's a pain trying to manage the music between the 3 devices. However, I think the greatest perk to this is being able to save space on my iPhone and iPad. More room for apps/games/... If this takes off, I wonder if Apple will sell more 8GB/16GB models



Size matters.