
As bradley goes, the fluidity of the team goes. I find that he is at his best when he is inserting himself deep in the field and begins stringing possession together, being the point guard while moving up the field. I think it says a lot when the entire midfield is bypassed for 90 minutes which they basically were.

I don’t think the sky is falling but now seems like a great time to line up a new regime.

If you aren’t throwing on your No. 12 “FAN” uni the minute you wake up each and every Sunday then GTFO!

Calling it an incredible feat is accurate. Last nights victory was an incredible feat. Its disturbing, its terrifying, and yes it is incredible that he accomplished what he did.

Trust the polls, trust the pollsters. What could go wrong?

I feel like this is the most invigorating premier league season we’ve seen in a few years. The decline of the NFL viewership can probably be explained by a few compounding variables, election, overexposure, Goodell is a smuck, etc... but I think the bottom line is the product sucks and isn’t fun. I guess what I’m

Its archaic that the media gets the final say. It implies some level of expertise in talent evaluation.

When was the last time Magary said something that was genuinely funny?

Goddammit, Mike Klis. GTFOH

lol right, yankees guy gets to make the call on where Boston and Chicago stack up on the “insufferable” meter

Its the post success hanger-ons that will do more damage than anything you ever do or become.

That’s the nature of sports fandom bud. Go scroll through your facebook newsfeed, how many people are claiming the Cubs world series as their own?

Does (popular show) have a (social issue) problem?


Thats a bad take

Counterpoint: Shitheads with big cars who park at the end of the row in parking garages are worse.

I’ve heard of this happening to coaches stringing nets - jumping to get the net over the goal post, finger getting caught on the way down. Watch out for those wedding rings...

No idea - someone probably did a dance once that turned the tips of Goodell’s ear’s red.

He misquoted the referee - “there is no foul for excessive celebration, the receiver did not go to the ground

FUCK Mark Kiszla. That guys favorite news story is the one written by and starring Mark Kiszla.