Queen Bea

If we can forgive Woody Allen, Casey Affleck, Roman Polanski and on for being pieces of shit. We need to separate Joan from speculation, subjective accounts and her work.

At this rate, Trump will deploy so many unnecessary exclamation points over the next four years that he may have a way to solve the energy crisis. I’m pretty sure if he hooks up a generator to Strunk and White spinning in their graves, we can have ourselves a nice little perpetual motion machine.

They didn’t exactly snap to it - he has done this for a long time - and they wouldn’t lose anything by failing to act, because this is a work of parody and clearly protected speech rather than a violation of copyright, so they wouldn’t have had anything to lose in the first place. It just seems crappy. I wonder if he

this is the greatest shop in the history of shops. I love this so much.

How does Trump read all of this Breitbart copy when he can’t actually read? Is there an intern who recites it to Trump? Do they have some special interface where he can learn to read along by following the bouncing ball?

no, i get you, and I hope some KFC is irretrievably lodged in his windpipe even as I type. I think though that if he got assassinated it would make everything SO MUCH WORSE. The Kennedy assassinations paved the way for Civil Rights Era legislation and the Great Society... just imagine that level of momentum, but for

Well and to criminalize their existence. If you have to choose to break the law to avoid mortal danger, you have been legislated out of your right to exist.

I want him to go to jail, and if he drops dead of a heart attack tomorrow I will pop some champagne, but I’m above wanting someone to shoot him, because that’s not right, and you should be too. The whole existence of Trump is to fuck up how democracy works and no matter what I’m not getting onto Team Fuck It Up Even

I think we’re looking at some hefty buyer’s remorse yes

WHY NOT BOTH? I think he’s trying to distract from the emerging scandal in the only way he knows how, even though it’s a deeply stupid way that hurts him more than it helps him. There’s something terrible coming down the pike (or a deepening of the terrible shit that has already happened) and his people can’t stop him

ugh this makes me crazy. If you are forcing my eyes to the tie dangling between your thighs, you are de facto drawing attention to how fat you are, you leathery dipshit.

I love everything about this comment - especially if by a “rotten” or “unimaginative” style, you mean to suggest that he looks like an ancient 12-year old who borrowed his uncle’s suit for a funeral.

I’d bet that he has nothing but the highest regard for his personal appearance, though. He just has really,

yay you recognize it! I love this painting SO MUCH. And Bea is my spirit animal!

You didn’t have ANY other answer when I directly asked you how “This is the last straw. We Demand Bernie!!” is remotely relevant to this story - other than to literally just repeat that exact nonsequitur again? That is... something! It’s like you’re a Magic 8 Ball with just the words “BERNIE NOW SHAME ON THE DNC”

how on earth are you construing this as the DNC’s or Hillary’s fault. I had to check I hadn’t toggled over to some different article in another tab because I cannot for the life of me understand how the fuck this means Bernie needs to be coronated head of the party. Is there already documentation of this guy being

oh yeah when in doubt they LOVE to have a black scapegoat. This lets their hatemongering goober base off the hook too so it holds down blacks AND Jews in one fell swoop (and journalists, while we’re at it.) THANKS ASSHOLE.

yeah, it actually takes a lot to get arrested for cyber stalking, that burden of proof is pretty high and it tends to be mostly hard evidence - the guy is innocent until proven guilty, but I’m also not going to pooh-pooh the sworn testimony of a woman who says she’s being victimized by this guy, and the state that had

Ugh I want superhuman strength so I can personally hurl this guy into space. He used innocent children and Holocaust survivors as collateral in his attempts to terrorize a woman for dumping him, AND he just did Trump a handy favor. You just know now that Trump is going to hammer this trying to validate his false flag

because this guy is on his fourth ridiculous argument today at least and he has been hammering on all of them relentlessly

Apparently feeling hated and persecuted for being an out Trump voter is a Thing that out Trump voters are complaining about to the media a lot now - I guess it’s terribly unfair? and you just know how they can’t bear it when someone hurts their precious little feelers. So it doesn’t surprise me at all that they’ve