Queen Bea

I remain convinced that Herman Cain was a genius performance artist

I am familiar with this destructo-puppy and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. You don’t have to be an architect to do demolition.

this feels like it should be a stand-alone story. Refusing entry to a White House press conference to the most prominent newspaper in the country and one of a tiny handful of major news networks is a big goddamn deal! Has that even been done before? I don’t even think Nixon pulled that shit.

I feel like a DC sinkhole is the most efficient situation here

More things they could do would be to install additional security cameras, have the squad car patrolling their area or an unmarked car check on the house multiple times a night, stop by to interview neighbors a second time, invite community members to meet and discuss how they can help prevent recurrences of this

I had to suppress the impulse to add I AM SO OLD after typing that ha

oh god that is worse... he couldn’t be more Confederate if he carried a dress sabre. Or anything this side of a hood.

ha your dad is awesome! my kid has to endure my husband and I saying it all the time now. Weekend Update was the best thing about SNL 30 years ago and it still is.

oh my god I know. Every day I find myself thinking JESUS WOULD SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF THESE PEOPLE as I try to absorb the inhumanity du jour.

All of these people, Sessions especially, know perfectly well that no transgender bathroom crime has ever been documented. My guess is he cares less about actual bathroom safety and more about brutality and control. Forcing transgender people into the wrong bathrooms puts them in danger of legal and extralegal

won’t someone think of the bear cubs?!

in other news, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

INTOLERANT? An esteemed gentleman with such a distinguished history AND a name like JEFFERSON DAVIS SESSIONS? Well, I NEVER. I feel the vapors coming on

I’m surprised at DeVos’s brief display of humanity, but that gets canceled out by the entirely unsurprising way she acquiesced to the men who commanded her to STFU. Maybe we’ll get lucky and she’ll quit.

Chaffetz himself said it and they believed him.

From now on, every time I hear Chuck Grassley grousing in that pinched nasal voice of his on NPR, I’m going to imagine that he sounds that irritable due to pooping hard miserable Slim Jims for the last 20 years, because that’s the only thing he ever ever eats. It really would explain quite a bit.

gosh, well it seems as if sounding like a prick is your area of expertise, so...? But I’m still immeasurably more interested in Renard’s contribution to this discussion than yours.

nope thank you. It’s bad enough feeling generally painted as “them” by Trump’s administration but it turns my stomach a little to think of being specifically targeted and threatened like he’s doing to the media now. What a creep.

haha my local paper is the Chicago Tribune, who endorsed Gary Fucking Johnson and can’t stop sucking Bruce Rauner’s dick. But I do subscribe to our NPR station because they do good reporting. I wish I wasn’t tapped so thoroughly or I’d subscribe to more!