
So, someone explain to me how and why two politicians from states that do not currently possess a MLB team are receiving favors and money from MLB lobbyists?  

Unfair personal attack, but fair.

I hope somebody throws a fastball at this guy’s head…

I’d like to cede my time on the floor to hear more of what Mr. Daisuke has to say

My only annoyance with these is that they break from what teams normally do with their jerseys in that it the home uniform should say “Marlins” and the road uniform should say “Miami”

They aren’t awful.

Are the 3-D glasses distributed at the park, or do we need to bring them from home?

Maybe I’m a poor doodler, but what logos can really successfully be doodled by schoolchildren?  Seems like only letter-based logos, like KC or NY.  I think this logo is fine.  I think the jerseys are powerfully boring.  Just once I’d like to see a team go nuts on design and choose, like, banana yellow.