
a price tag showing $5.8 million, which doesn’t matter because all 40 are already sold.

I own a Dodge PU, I treat it like dirt, load it with dirt, leaves, lumber and use it to drag home the occasional bad decision

This image at a quick glance looks like a bunch of Altimas.

The concrete is curing just fine. It doesn’t need more retardant.

Hell of a ticket. I doubt hell be able to dodge this in court.

Can’t wait to see a Prius with this swap run down the track.

It’s amazing how many of those fancy press photos don’t show the front end. After the first few pictures I thought I liked this car, then I saw the front. Ewww...

And who did his actions hurt?  No one but your fragile ego, apparently.

This is too clean for you.

God bless people like this owner. I just hope that in thirty years someone has a pristine example of my 1998 champagne Dodge Intrepid. I miss that car.

NEWS: Ford announced yesterday that they were suing another dealership, “Ferrari MotorCoach” out of Italy for violating the sales contract on selling a Ford GT within the specified 2-year ownership period.

When reached for a response, the owner of “Ferrari” resigned, citing “Inappropriate conduct”.

How old are your kids?
Do you plan on creating more?

you are woefully underestimating the number of people who use navigation and GPS while driving.

Not sure who made this map, but there are literally millions of colors to choose from, so why would we choose 4 shades of green (including some incredibly close shades) for every single category?

Now playing

Um, how can you hear a thing? Try this one:

Now playing

I couldn’t take more than 10 seconds of that. Here are some Ducatis to soothe your broken ears.

I would love to hear this with a non-potato mic.

cloth door pulls! take out the back seats! radio/ac delete! charge 40 grand more!