Nice Price (two weeks ago!):
Nice Price (two weeks ago!):
You brilliant, marvelous, idiot of a man. Go live your dream, i say!
I’m going to say something that many of you will likely never even think about. The difference between a 911 S or a 911 4S, and then the 911 Turbo, in term of buyer, is just your level of crazy.
You forgot.
Jalop be like
I was going to fetch the obligatory Willy Wonky “Stop. Don’t. Come back.” gif, but you’re not even worth the effort.
What’s with the promotion of a Marxist organisation at the top of the page?
Gurl, bye!
Bye bitch.
Imagine seeing “The extrajudicial killings of black people must stop” and thinking “I don’t agree with that. In fact, I disagree with it so much I’m not going to visit a website for even suggesting it.”
Wow, just wow. No no...please don’t go. No....stop....
You say Marxist as if you know what it means...
It Hertz that an Enterprise can offer such a car on a Budget that can only end up at Avis
Who else is looking forward to performing precision braking around a bunch of cones for hours before you can race anything worthwhile?
Never, ever use this slide-show format again.
The driver was sawing away at the wheel and not smooth enough to get by the #99. But it was a helluva show. That some fun slicin’ and dicin’.
The Taycan’s battery would have been dead before that first door opened. - Elon.
So what strip club were you on your way to at the time?