
No problem, just hand over the $12500 down it will take to get both of those vehicles for those lease payments and you are all set!

Hailcat ??

so does the accord display come with this lens flare or is that just your homage to J.J. Abrams’ directing style?

Oh you are are you? ;)

Pretty sure I win

I wonder what would be more entertaining, your celebration on arrival or these awkward white guys failing to complete a single successful fist bump.

The first car where I remember hearing about this was the Pontiac G8 — around $1,000 more for the stick. Seemed ridiculous to me, but it’s a volume/demand issue and the market will bear the extra price. Go to Home Depot and look at a $150 toilet. Now go over to the Kitchen & Bath desk and ask them how much for the

Can’t tell if HUGE car and regular-sized driver, or regular car with smaller driver.

Looks a bit ungainly form this angle, but I somehow like it.

If Steve Buscemi were a Mustang...

Maybe if it was a manual. CP

I guess you could call it Korma.

That’s just mean.

No because we don’t know when the party starts

Those seats remind me of a sweater I used to have. In middle school.

So... how is this actually different from the already ridiculous $250k S65 Convertible? Or what about the $180k S63 convertible which actually has a better engine? The wheelbase looks the same and the design has minimal changes, so this probably isn’t separated by much from a loaded up S550 Designo at around $150k.

Where else is a headliner supposed to go?

Allegedly the fastest car in the world is car referred to as “My Buddy’s Mustang”. I hear about it at every car show but have yet to lay eyes on it.

Even back when I downloaded a pearlescent painted Eclipse from Kazaa, I don’t think I could’ve ever imagined such lunacy. It’s a scale tipper