“He misses under pressure? And extra points? We’ll take him!” - The Vikings
“He misses under pressure? And extra points? We’ll take him!” - The Vikings
“I bet Favre walks right by a stack of dirty dishes without blinking...” Until his boss tells him to get back to work and he buses the table because it’s the dinner rush in twenty minutes.
“...we’ll keep you posted when Russell Wilson leaves his game tonight after slipping on (his) banana peel.”
I got as far through this review as I would get through this movie: half way.
Chef undercooks chicken and skids in my pants.
Sales tax is the primary regressive tax in America. Not surprising wherever it gets raised.
“needs to be watered down”
“needs to be watered down”
He’s got a point. Tiger Woods used to golf and look what happened to him.
Not money to a foreign government which was theirs to begin with! It’s almost as if paying your debts helps with global relations...
That’s being disingenuous to Donald Trump’s crazy. You’d have to ignore a huge number of actions and reactions from Don to say HRC is in the same galaxy of crazy as Donald Trump. At worst she’s a left leaving Republican, at worst.
Dat last loan payment though.
Because laughter and crying sound similar at 90 mph on the highway.
Obvious answer: put him in general population at a super max prison. Problem solved.
Bear: Hey look, I can make it into a jacuzzi!
“This is Harry Potter here to remind you: Curt Shilling is terrible”
Rather unfortunate timing what with the Nice thing. Although I sure wouldn’t mind a laugh right about now. Hug your loved ones folks, and cherish the small things.
Because news from Ohio is microwavable and fresh whenever. It’s not like other city news.
As a loose descendent of Richard Nixon all I have to say is that this conversation is not being recorded... I swear.
Gun violence in the (sadly) normal sense: crazy guy goes on a premeditated rampage with guns he bought. This was a crime of opportunity created by poor deputy training.