Fusilli Jerry

If you are healthy. It doesn’t do anything for you if you are healthy. Did you just take a regimen of antibiotics? Buy probiotics. Do you have a disease related to making you shit profusely such as crohns disease? Get on proper medication and buy probiotics.

Yesh. Lock the doors on her house and set it ablaze. You’re doing the world a favor, I bet 250 of those 300 are feral.

Invalid argument. It’s a part of the women’s body. You can’t sue someone to remove a toe, the premise is the same.

Fuck those judges who decide the contracts aren’t applicable. Because that’s the easiest way to settle a dispute: to do it before it happens. Fuck them sideways.

“Meh, close enough.” - DC movies

Given the police’s track record with mentally unstable individuals he really made the right choice.

Thank you for not doing this on the Twins.

“You think your mother’s day is hard...” - Oedipus

Boomer Bob.

You say problem, I say freedom from gankers...

“What did the five toes say to your ass?” Just doesn’t have as great a ring to it as the original.

100k miles? You mean on transmission #4.

Jesus you’re serious. Get a life buddy. Real tits and ass are much much better then that anime shit.

Key word Romania. There won’t be much litigation going on

Ugh. Capitalism at its best! Side note: arguing over a dead relatives assets has to be the worst thing ever. The body is barely cold and you’ve got your asshole brother in law asking after your father’s watch collection.

You aren’t ever going to be a supreme Court Justice, so acting like that court and yours are on the same level. Only a fool wants reality TV in the supreme Court. What we should do is lock Congress in a room together for 2/3rds of the year so they actually do their fucking job.

I can only count to ten with my shoes on. The world may never know.

You never forget your first love. He may be a monstrous mutated cross between orange and pumpkin, but he’s still part human.

And all black people are thugs, am I right? Go fuck yourself.

Donald Trump winning the nomination is the least surprising news of the day. Playing video games doesn’t make you violent. This is not a normal thing.