Yeah but do they constantly say “yo yeah we loosely based this off of ______” in interviews, and have it in basically every headline that talks about the movie? AND (this is the worst one) do they then go and (spoiler for the movie)
Yeah but do they constantly say “yo yeah we loosely based this off of ______” in interviews, and have it in basically every headline that talks about the movie? AND (this is the worst one) do they then go and (spoiler for the movie)
Great, now I have to retitle my script for a horror film about a killer who murders people with incense.
I wonder if it’s the original SP model or the later one that had genuine rear illumination. It looks a bit like the latter, which would mean he missed a golden opportunity to wash out the film’s color palette with shallowly angled, overhead LEDs.
From an article about movies reopening in Nyc and a vaccinated journalist who attended one - “Most people in the theater on Saturday enjoyed the experience without snacks, and kept their masks in place, but my row-neighbors took off their masks immediately upon settling in, ostensibly to sip their beverages, and then…
But cases have not-NOT been traced to theaters, since it’s virtually impossible to say “The kinds of people risking a theater visit would only ever break their quarantine for a movie theater,” since the kinds of people seeing movies right now are very likely to be doing other non-quarantine activites.
I got the 4K account because otherwise the OLED TV I bought would go to waste... I didn’t need the streaming to 4 devices simultaneously at all but since that was included in the package, I put one account active in my mom’s place so she and her husband (and I when I’m there) can watch Netflix. They wouldn’t pay for…
Netflix itself isn’t expensive, but they’re changing from being a content provider to being a content producer. So, they’re making more original stuff, some great, most meh, yet their non exclusive selection is starting to thin out.
“bad things”
I was laying in my grave and Batman came up to me and brought me back to life. Mannnn...I’m not going to bail you out of all your problems. I threw it on the ground!
No idea. Either or it doesn’t change the fact he acts like a college brat.
There's the rumour that they were going to fire him when his personal tragedy happened and hence he was out regardless. No idea about the veracity of it.
So Snyder suffered a horrible personal tragedy while making a movie that cost a quarter billion dollars. He was lucky enough to have Whedon step in and try to finish that movie for him at a time when he couldn’t. I respected how he acted at the time.
Rather than a “cornerstone” I think it’s simply a matter of production being shut down, so why not have some high-profile content which only requires post-production?
I feel the lack of consent is the bigger issue here, not the legal age of consent.
Did you actually read her message? Because the “sobbing in pain” part, and his perception of that sobbing and response to it, is really what it hinges on, not whether she was technically the age of consent at the time of the incident. Like it’s astonishing that you could read that account and be like “Well, 17 is…
Her story hinges on her being sexually fucking assaulted, idiot. She’s not saying her age is the thing that made it legally assault, but saying that it contributed to the power dynamic of the rape and her own processing of it. He literally said “We need to break you in.”
Pro Tip:
Yeah the debate about whether the snyder cut exists seems dumb to me. Of course they had an unfinished assembly before reshoots took over. Whether you want to call that a cut or not is kinda up to you.