
Spares is great but The Island is a rip off not an adaptation. Spares was optioned in the 90s by Dreamworks but never made. Then when the option lapsed, some dude "dreamt up" a remarkably similar story and screenplay. Marshall Smith got no credit no nothing.

The Mist.

This article and thread has just made me order second hand copies of the HKL discs of City Hunter and New Dragon Gate Inn.

Man, some of those movies go super creepy.

I feel like I missed an episode. Who the hell was Agent Hablar Espanol?

Over here, the film known as Super Cop is Project S - Supercop 2 and is fucking awful. They forgot to put Jackie Chan in my Jackie Chan movie.

And for more Jackie Chan nostalgia.

Dude, you're insane. Police Story is the best of the series by a flipping mile.
And that telephone answering scene is a top 10 Jackie Chan moment for me.

I've never rated Supercop either to be honest.

Most Region 3 HK imports had the subs. Importing from Asia is still the only way to get a subbed version thanks to Mirimax.

It's still more watchable than the mirimax massacre bullshit.

Weird isn't it. I'm fairly sure I tested it in a couple of different players just to rule that out at the time. I'll have another play about with it, haven't really bothered again as I've still got the standout tracks in Traktor but just wanted to rerip the whole thing for domestic listening.

A playlist isn't a mix, it's a compilation.

Nope. A legitimate shop purchased new album. Out of the shrink wrap, ripped it, returned to case, up on the shelf.

Try chopping up a line of drugs on an MP3.

South Park in 1997, you bastards.

Such a great book, was optioned at the end of 2014, Dinklage as Shorty, but gone quiet since.

Vanilla Cookie?

and The Bottoms, and The Thicket, and Edge of Dark Water, and Paradise Sky…

Yeah Two Bear Mambo was the first one I read and those two I reckon are the best of the series.