Bob Dylan Thomas Dolby Digital (Analog)

I had an underbed demon too! Not that it's worth celebrating.

The “lights not working” trope happens for me, too, and is perhaps more terrifying than any ghostly figure. It's as if I lose a crucial defense against the bogeymen.

Coming back to reality can be a relief, but in my case, I still avoid looking at anything and wrap myself in blankets. I know the things I fear in those moments are psychological, but my rational mind can’t convince my primal one that all is well.

Or while in bed at midnight, in my case.

I was expecting this article to end abrup



Daddy Digital turned the cover around in the jewel case to show the “man-shaped cloud” panel instead.



Theme song by The Hives.

*lightning crashes*

Performed by the Charlie Adler Experience, with guest verses by Ickis and Mr. and Mrs. Bighead.

Came here for the Jenny McCarthy reference. Was not disappointed. Bonus for being a Mohd firstie as well.

I played Bananagrams for one and photographed the results during my year living alone in Charlottesville. It was kind of fun, though pitiful in retrospect.

Family Guy did a cutaway on this expression using a female doppelgänger of Peter who lacked a torso.

And when Homer drank out of the jug, the pitch should have lowered, but it stayed the same! Blunder, fired, etc.

I played the riff from “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” on it in 2005.

Indeed I did work there. I never tired of its delights, even after serving them for months.

Six years ago, I was working at a gelato shop in Charlottesville, VA, down the Mall from the Pavilion. One night, I walked to my car and looked down to the Pavilion as a concert was in progress. Having been to a few “blues ’n’ BBQ” festivals in Kentucky, I shook my head at the sound of what I thought was another