
Of all the gurls, Kim Chi is the freshest. Her drag is pure art. The others are good, but we've already seen their schtick.

I love me some Bianca, but wished she had shown a more diverse range. And she never got clocked for sticking with her 'clown realness shtick.' That's what frustrates me with the judging —the inconsistency.

I just wish they'd air Untucked after Drag Race like before. I miss that.

And not ONE cheap looking ensemble, TWO. She dresses like a suburban girl who works at a kiosk.

Thorgy —what a disappointment. She is certifiably split personality disordered. How can you be that kwirky/funny one second, and nasty/negative the next? That runway look was wretched. I was expecting 'I Love Lucy' realness and instead got Deb from HR couture. I know you probably don't know Deb from HR, but trust

They should have done Flying Monkey Realness.

Thorgy reminds me of the puppet Madam. Exact same chin.

Bob is so funny, but he doesn't have any flair for fashion. I expect my queens to slay it on the runway. Naomi nailed it, and even got kudos from Marc Jacobs. Very disappointed in Chi Chi. This was her her chance not to have to rely on something worn from her cache. (She obviously didn't bring much drag with her). She

Didn't see this coming. We all KNOW that Acid Betty had a steamer trunk or two full of sickening looks that we will now not get to see. Her Madonna runway should have saved her from the bottom two. I"m tired of Brittney, I'm over Robbie —send THEM home!

Just saw it and loved it. God, I hated the prequels. The only things I thought didn't work here were the fake-y CGI monsters on the Millennial Falcon, and the female bartender with the funky eyeglasses. Ugh. I'd rather see puppets than that mess. Loved the new (live action) characters, and can't wait to see what's in