
Stop thinking for yourself and get back in the pen.


Nope. It does not care at all.  The virus will happily use any opening created in order to infect anything vulnerable to it.

Hey Letitia, your antivax stance helped influence people’s decision to not get protection, and many literally died because of it. Your apology didn’t’ retract any of these views and amounted to yet another case of, “I’m sorry if you were offended” which everyone knows is total bullshit. Maybe if you don’t want to get

The virus has already proven time and time again that it doesn't care what anyone believes.

“I want to stress one thing: these guys aren’t motorcyclists, they’re assholes on motorcycles. And there’s absolutely a difference.”

Accept the whole joke was Donald Trump made fun of John Stewart because he wasn’t using and embracing his original last name, Leibowitz. So John Oliver decided to bring up the fact that Donald Trump wasn’t embracing his Family’s original name Drumpf. The rest is history

It’s about hypocrisy you dipshit. But I’m sure you knew that already and are being willfully ignorant.

Hey if that’s the culture of left wing acceptance, I’ll gladly sign on, since the culture of right wing acceptance is to let in all the xenophobic, misogynistic, bigoted jackasses and give them the reins to the party.

It’s okay to make fun of a person who campaigns on a racist, misogynistic, and bigoted platform. Making fun of his name is probably the most innocent joke you could make about such a worthless human being. It’s funny to see people like yourself so defensive about protecting their hatemonger though. “The left is such

You really don’t understand where this all came from do you? The only reason people make fun of his name is to emphasize his hypocrisy from when he made fun of John Stewart for change his last name. Here are some quotes from Trump about it.

The only way you could construe that as making fun of someone is that if you felt that there was something wrong with the name Drumpf. The funny part is where people as xenophobic as Trump or his followers wouldn’t find it amusing to refer to a name that alludes to his family being immigrants at some point in time. I

Whereas the culture of right wing acceptance is ... there is not a culture of right wing acceptance ....