
Guess he won't be drinking anymore.

It also keeps your blood thin, reducing the chance of a heart attack or stroke and keeps your colon cleaned out.

If you don't do anything wrong, what have you got to worry about?

That's a Droll Yankee bird feeder and it's been around for over 10 years. Their web site has several videos of squirrel-flinging goodness.

@CaptainJack: With that thought process we should just quit fighting Al Qaeda and let them drop a nuclear bomb on us. It's inevitable, right?


Until Kayne gets his "poor me" attitude and drinking problem under control, he's still a loser.

The carpets are designed that way to keep you disoriented and in the casino. Especially people that have been drinking.

Airplay just made me fall in love with my iPad all over again.

Wow a Sony music service 7 years late. I bet it's only compatible with the Mini Disc.

I don't see how iOS4 is a good thing considering the iPad has HALF the RAM of the iPhone 4.

You're keynoting it wrong.

@Mark 2000: Interesting. You're the only one I've seen with a negative opinion about it.

Shake it! Like a Polaroid picture!

Blockbuster was barely a competitor to Netflix. Blockbuster had years to develop a strategy and did nothing.

"Classical" computer?

Takes a special kind of stupid.

September 2011: The iPod Bounce

@That Guy: There's only one option left...

This is like Walmart predicting what clothes we'll be wearing in the future.