
@Fish_Beard: As you get older and more forgetful, it's harder to let go of things because they remind you of your experiences using it.

There is no way any remote civilization would happen to understand our language or ever figure out that the records is an audio disc.


I have an arrogant friend that lived in L.A. and refused to put a license plate on the front of his Mercedes because it ruins the look of the vehicle and has been fighting it in court forever.

Nothing in the U.S. like this because we can't afford it. This is what happens when we give other countries our money.

@stan-the-man: A lot of them won't means some of them would just out of spite.

Damn you Papermaster!

Fail. 1 stupid company + 1 stupid company = 2 stupid companies.

If you put my Magic Mouse in Jello, you're dead meat.

He doesn't take into consideration our purpose of being here, of which we don't know the answer to that question. We don't know how we fit into the rest of the universe and our need to reproduce and expand makes us nothing more than cockroaches or rabbits.

@alucard1116: So you support criminals making money off their story while other people have had to suffer. You're a moron.

This douche bag better not get a movie deal like the press is reporting.

I found a better shot of it...

"640K ought to be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates in 1981.

Seriously, does anyone really care anymore? If you really want the Beatles on your iPod, then you've already ripped the tracks off a CD or vinyl. Who has sat around for the past 7 years waiting to download an inferior 256kbps iTunes file?

North Korea may want to read this story.

What happened to the good old days when we used a vacuum cleaner?

@mecha2142: A new iPhone in January could just mean the same phone except with a redesigned antenna. It could also mean the Verizon iPhone in which Verizon is scheduled to make a major product announcement in January.