
@Strider-No.9: I think it's always better to be aware of a situation early on rather than too late and can't do anything about it.

Sounds to me like he's living on another planet, probably Uranus and will be the only one that understands what he's spent millions of dollars on.

At least the back is easy to replace by yourself.

Time just flies by too quickly.

Wow. Putting GSM on a Nokia phone gets first place.

I fail to see how this is beneficial. Ok, so 16gb of music isn't enough for you. But now you're going to pay out the ass in overage charges from AT&T for going over the monthly 2GB cap?

Wow. My ass has a red line going across it from sitting on the edge of my seat for so long.

Find your house on Google. There's a link that allows you to have your property removed from their database and your house is depicted as a blurry spot.

@IAmCole: If you buy it for the sole purpose of playing games, then it's a gaming device. And the most apps downloaded are games.

Probably because they proved their point and no one cares anymore.

I would have drawn a check on a piece of paper for $0.00 and mailed it to them.

Does it have the 3G and the Wi Fi's?

So we ruin the planet where we live and move to another planet. We sound like cockroaches.

$30 is a little steep considering I got an Energizer recharger with 4 NiMH batteries for $13.

@xaronax: The monsters don't bother chasing you and there's no fruit.

I know Apple considers the Mac Pro industrial design perfection, but the case is 7 years old and I'm tired of it. Make it black, make it smaller, put a flower on it. Something!

@dcleblond: I also predict a painting program competing with Photoshop Elements.

What did it take to get there? People bitching.

@talkingstove: You must not have been around when he left the first time.

Boy... are keynotes going to be boring when Steve leaves.