
Every new generation is interested in 3D until they realize what a pain in the ass eye strain is and having to remember to wear the glasses.

@Ignignokt: Employees are representatives of the company and suffer during the boycott of any company. That's just the way it goes. Kicking a company in the money balls is the only way to show them that we will not tolerate their business practices.

What's sad about killing off a buggy phone?

Yeah, it's pretty awesome when the game doesn't freeze up. I downloaded the game and it froze 3 times in 5 minutes and I had to restart over again.

That red ring will look stunning with the shiny black case.

This whole issue was blown way out of proportion. The issue wasn't close to being big enough for me or my friends to return their phones. Apple exploded it because they basically said "Whatever" to the whole thing.

Those green icon blocks in the first pick are butt ugly. There's little consistency.

Does the straw come with it?

Those phones are out on the market and are fair game. This reminds me when Apple released Safari 1.0 and the CEO of the Opera web browser whined like a little baby "no fair".

Do people in countries outside of the U.S. have the same problem on the opposite side of the phone?

The movie "The Day After Tomorrow" was right!

@Teh Feisty Goat: I believe a certain amount of arrogance is involved.

Watch out when getting these magazine's from the App Store!

Well, I would have to say that without gravity we would all float off the surface as would anything else such as water. We would also lose our atmosphere and get boiled to death from radiation. Then once the water evaporated into outer-space the sun would fry the planet and would look just like the moon does now.

This is video is all my friends and I could talk about all week. "I DON'T care" and "It fucking prints money" are classic one liners.

When I touch that area of the phone I go from 5 bars to "No Service". I don't understand how they intend to fix that with a software update.

@boslok: Why should thousands of people have to pay a 15% restocking fee for something that's Apple's fault?

"Stay tuned". People are supposed to guess what that means? When you keep your customers in the dark and tell them they are wrong, they get pissed off. This could have been a minor situation, but Apple's arrogance and nonchalant attitude blew this up into a media frenzy.

@abates25: Returning the phone results in a 15% restocking fee. Additionally the user would have to choose another phone such as the 3GS, have it activated and have their contract changed. You expect everyone with an iPhone to go through all that because of Apple's mistake?