
Good call. Never figured they would have such a thing but I guess it’s a pre-revolution tank. Makes sense now

In reality its a GM truck, so they will overproduce them and they will pile up on lots. You can then get your discounted V6 truck for the price of the 4 cylinder.

Because GM.

What kind of tank was that in the second video? The first one under the camo? Looked a lot like an M1A1

Pretty sure thats a Lambo dude

Not unless they made it of course! Probably a move to stick them in the eye for showing off blowing up that mock ship they made. Try it now bitches

Worst cars ever made.

I’d say and late 1970’s Firebird. Terrible cars. Super big, depressingly slow and just awful handling. My friends 77 wouldn’t even roll the tires over on gravel. 10 mpg and no power at all

Lmao seriously. What a pos

I love this as it shows the amount of right rudder that’s needed during takeoff. The amount of tourque of the engine needs to be countered to keep the aircraft straight on the ground and as soon as it rotates it flies true. Awesome

Hey 85-000010 I used to wrench on that jet at Dover. Good jet

Slightly dangerous going that fast that low. What about other shipping? Birds? Icebergs? Somali Pirates? Not much time to turn.

Rear tire pressure differential was more than .5psi. Had to be.

I changed airlines from United to Delta SPECIFICALLY so I could stop flying being delayed or cancelled through O’Hare. Oh, you have a connection in 25 minutes? Lets park in terminal D and good luck getting to it on time over there in terminal A. Oh, and there’s a massive storm too. Have fun spending the night at the

Rec'd for Clash of Titans reference.

I agree with doing something to relieve some of the pain and suffering caused. The problem is when I go back to my original point. You can't do so without offending one side or the other. These are warring tribes and until they learn to coexist we will always have trouble there. Helping will always appear one

Also people don't realize but the CH-47 Chinook is also faster than an Apache. Actually the Chinook is the fastest helicopter the Army flies.

That thing is fucking terrifying.

Russia. I thought the oil prices were aimed at Russia as well as Iran.

I agree but I'm all for forcing the UN to actually do things. If they, i.e. the world, is so concerned with stability and nation building then they can help out a little more. Like equally. I dont care if we are seen as Imperialists as our image there honestly couldn't get any worse. At least that way we could