
It’s not dancing, it’s spasming for 5 seconds for a loop, then call it culture and somehow imagine no one ever did it before in all of history 

I have always hated most Tik Tok dances because of  a lot of it looks like cheerleader dancing, a bunch of arm movements, claps, and mugging faces like they are a back up dancer for the Rhythm Nation tour. 


Senator Lindsey Graham: “I think America is a unique experiment that stood the test of time. We’re better today than we were 10 years ago and, hopefully, 10 years from now, we’ll be better. Striving to be better is always the goal. But, no, I do not believe my state, I do not believe my nation, is systematically

Neither of these articles contain enough information to form an opinion, even with the disturbing audio tape. Having been an ally to a person with dementia, I can attest that one moment everything is perfectly fine and in the next moment the patient is suddenly terrified and screaming. Had a casual observer ever

Agreed with everything you said except: Trump didn’t unleash The Delusion of White Supremacy™. Since this country’s inception, whites have deluded themselves about the evil they do and the other whites have bought into The Lie Agreed Upon’™.

But this is not new. It is as it has always been.

“I didn’t want to be the ‘angry black woman’ but I wanted him to learn and feel that bottom-line loss,” she said. “You don’t go to Germany and wave the Nazi flag. It’s the same thing.”

“But Mulattos are so weaponized...”

Star Trek > Star Wars

There was another think piece on The Root by a black writer who “wasn’t born black” (paraphrase) because she ate kale and liked to go hiking or skiing or something. It felt like weird humble-bragging and I wasn’t here for it..

smdh. This really is emblematic of your generation’s thought process and consideration.

We all got played but I love how the media is spending more time on a B List celebrity faking violence related to Trump and his MAGA hat wearing Chud’s than the arrest of a member of The US Coast Guard who admits he’s a white nationalist with a hit list of journalists and politicians who are predominately of color and

Don’t know if this is before your time, but KTVU with Dennis Richmond used to be an excellent source of local news. Sad to hear the station has been affected by the toxicity of Fox.

No, what most black people want is to be left THE FUCK ALONE. Mind your business and let us do us. Unless I give you some cause for concern or concern for your safety, keep steppin’, muthafucka. You have no right to question me about my whereabouts, my admission anywhere, in this goddamn country!

I love that all of these recent stories are helping to shatter the perception that it’s just poor, uneducated White people who are upholding White supremacy and structural racism. These are middle class and rich college educated racists who are out here attacking Black people, not a bunch of backwoods yokels.

Wow. This was heartbreaking. I hope one day the rest of your family can get some closure or come to terms with what happened and talk openly about it.

oh Michael. i’m so sorry for your loss. i hope that one day your family can move past this and get the peace they deserve.