
Sandals and a blazer are worse than a fedora!

What an enormous doucher. Everything from the way he dresses to the designer furniture that is on the stage for some reason to the way he can only manage to say a few snide words at a time in between his condescending pauses, it all screams doucher. Say what you will about Notch, but at least he isn't this guy.

I love how the people that hate on Destiny go out of their way to do it. If you dislike the game so much why are you spending even more time involved in it's content? Like these posts?

You're right. It's so annoying that every single article on this damn site is, wait. There's like 1, maaaaaaybe 2, a day. Cry me a river.

Been waiting for this since my sophomore year in high school lol. I've been through 5 girlfriends, college, the death of my great-grandma, and the birth of countless cousins, neices, and nephews. This game has already become a part of my life, and I'm SO glad that it just might live up to my 10 years worth of

No we are fine flooding everyone's feeds and websites with a bloody MMO that is actually a ton of fun even if it is flawed. Sorry you don't like what we like though.

That's why I'm so glad Square is on the defensive with XV. With the XIII saga they arrogantly expected the brand name would carry the game, and another hit would be guaranteed regardless of what they did. With XV they're acting as though they have their reputation to reclaim, hence the comments about how important

While it certainly looks pretty, I am still very skeptical. After FFXIII and its sequels I kind of think its gonna take a miracle to bring this series back from the brink. I hope this is it, truly I do, but I dunno. I've been hurt a lot over the years.

Get it - REACHing?

Dear Microsoft,