
Mitch McConnell with mutton chops.

“Time to take a ride on the E.AC., dude!”

How old are you? I keep asking some posters this because, at the elderly age of 44, I can say with quite a bit of certainty that things are a lot, a LOT better than when I was born way back in the dark ages of Nixon. When I was born, a married woman couldn’t get a credit card issued in her own name. Abortion was

I’m sure deep down she really respects your need to remain morally pure.

Sam Bee is not obligated to support your quixotic dream of remaking our democracy at the expense of our actual democracy.

Trent Dilfer would be selling insurance in Visalia if a mostly black Ravens defense hadn’t carried his replacement-level ass to a Lombardi Trophy. He might want to sit this one out.

I’m amazed about Dilfer’s tone deaf stance on this issue, as no one since 2001 has benefited more from the work of African Americans.

So, are we all just going to pretend that cauliflower doesn’t suck? It’s like broccoli except with less flavor and apparently not as good for you. It’s like vampire broccoli.

Fart flavor crystals!

I’m not sure you could put together the right panels today (especially the regulars), but oh man, would I kill for a new Match Game.