
The major story lines of this season (Carey and the campaign) have made the show unbearable to watch because both stories have too many unbelievable parts (a state attorney working for the governor would never bring such a flimsy case against a law partner of the governor's wife while Alicia was unable to spot the

The best way to watch this show is fast forwarding through the boring parts, parts that do not matter (old character bringing his two kids to the office WTF), and the fake trial about gay marriage/ free religious law and you only waste about 10-15 minutes watching the show.

Stopped regular watching of "Good Wife" when the Cary might go to prison bogged down this season. Watched three episodes using fast forward in about 75 minutes, on Sunday, because I do not watch any scenes about the election.

Watched this episode as a rerun and was reminded how good the show was before the writers decided to make Leonard and Penny a permanent couple. Got to see Zack again, who was a secondary character that made the show stronger.

The show has grown stale and no longer is funny. The entire show can be watched now and not produce one funny line.To see the difference, watch shows from the 2007-2008 period. That period works because Leonard is watching a stream of idiot boyfriends visit Penny while longing for her. The biggest mistake BBT made was

Love the Duck Phillips reference, I have the same feeling every time I see Moses in anything. This episode brings back the thinking that it is hard to believe the CIA would allow someone on Carrie's type of medicine to be in the field.

The show has grown weary after eight seasons. The show was at its best when Penny was constantly dating losers while Leonard watched with no hope. The first major mistake was linking Penny and Leonard since it took away a successful storyline.

Sutter kept this show going one year too long. It has become boring and the so-called concern over the two kids has really grown old.