
Billy is little more than a feeble mouthpiece these days, trotted out by his hate-mongering son whenever he wants to Make A Point (tm) about something. I think the Graham church and every other that posted political signage, preached politics from the pulpit, and sent teams of rabid haters to accost us at the polls

Feeling sick to my stomach and just so fucking ashamed of my home state right now.

Good idea...but I fear it would be impeded by my inherent laziness. And giving a frozen bag of veg a good whack on the counter is, I find, therapeutic. It also makes dogs stop trying to mooch whatever I'm making. The *WHACK* noise prompts them to look disappointed, sort of like "Aw crap. Veg. Well, there's a couch out

I listen to recorded books or NPR podcasts. Via my MP3 player and earbuds! Last week's article about the legality of listening to music via earphones/earbuds sparked some rather heated commentary about this topic, so I won't be surprised if I get flamed. I find that it's actually more distracting to try and listen to

Keep leftover onion in the freezer. I used to waste a lot of onion, because it seemed like whatever recipe I was using called for half or three-quarters of however much onion I had on hand. Now, when I chop onions (a job I dislike anyway), whatever is left over goes straight into the freezer bag. Whenever I need onion

Re: Baldwin's Twitsnark: A man who screams at his 11-year-old daughter that she's a "disgusting little pig" really does not have a stable foundation upon which to stand whilst pointing the Dread Finger of Shame (TM).

Not only do I despise THAT SONG, but the whole Hey-let's-romanticize-a-horrible-tragedy-and-make-James-Cameron-a-squillionaire thing has always bothered me. Just when I thought it was reasonably safe, they go and re-release the goddamned thing. FML.

Not only does she have people who style her hair big, but she also has a collection of wigs and hairpieces to add volume and height.

I think that's a cool name. I've got friends with cats named Skillet and Mudslide. Having worked for a vet, and having met eleventy squillion cats named Blackie, Kitty, Fluffy, Patches, and every other mind-numbingly generic name you can think of, I revel in atypical names for pets. My guys all have names that make

Ye Gods! What's with the buttons on the fly? Are we supposed to think that the wearer's Mister Happy is such a mighty force to be reckoned with that containment necessitates both a zipper and these buttons? And the waistband...wha? Looks like a pair of jeans is giving birth to a pair of mutant cargo shorts. Or maybe a

Damn it. Just when I thought I'd seen the last of Willam. At least they did a decent job of covering up his 5 o'clock shadow.

I know! I bought some neon pink Caron Simply Soft for a yarn-bombing, and I've got enough left over to make at least two of these!

Are you me? I spent 6 hours in the ER with horrible, can't-stand-up-straight searing pain located directly under my breastbone. Doogie Howser, MD, the 9-year-old ER doctor, kept asking about cramps and the possibility of pregnancy — at least until I grabbed him by the collar and said "OK, fuckface, since you

Emailing this to the owner of my LYS (local knit shop) to encourage her to make knit-a-uterus our next knit-along project!!!

I've been putting my inbox on a diet, and have used the unsubscribe protocols successfully many times. I've had no repeat offender spam come in.

I *love* this. I had the honor and pleasure of attending the wedding of two dear friends who, after having lost their spouses, got married. He was 84 at the time and she was 83. They'll celebrate their 2nd anniversary on July 4th this year, and they're still just giddy over one another. She calls him "Roy, my joy" and

Jiggly is definitely unpolished, but to me Willam is this season's Shangela. I think they kept Shangela around because she was a lightning rod for strife. Willam seems to be playing that role this season. And that bit with the crocodile tears, followed by that snark about 'Ooh, it's so sad that one of mah new besties

I agree with everything you said. I was cheering for Latrice! And isn't Willam *always* underwhelming? He talks like he has had lead roles in every hot show on TV, but his IMDB page lists bit parts. I will be so happy when he goes home. I got a surly "I'm so above this" vibe from him starting with the first episode,

"Women are supposed to be able to choose who penetrates them, when, where, and why. The state legislature doesn't get to make that decision. "

Me, too. I think I'd be uncomfortable in a house that big. And my first thought upon seeing houses like that is always "Jeebus, how long would it take to clean that?" Irrational, I know, given that people who own houses like that can afford staff to maintain it, but I somehow always picture myself wrestling the vacuum