Ben Carson on Steroids

First, given the information we have I would recommend from a cybersecurity perspective to not go through Equifax’s method of determining that your information is compromised. Just automatically assume that yes, your information was indeed taken. The best method would be to just conduct your own credit monitoring by

This is just all sorts of wrong. Let’s see... Experian recorded my personal information without my knowledge or consent, then allowed hackers to access that information, endangering me for years to come. Then, they want a monthly fee to protect me from the danger that they themselves created. How is this not a

How ‘bout no? How about they screwed up and are permanently liable for any and all damages incurred as a result of their failings? Isn’t that how things are supposed to work? Your mess, you clean it up? Well, this is THEIR mess. The cost of cleaning it up is THEIR problem. No golden parachutes. Execs and shareholders