
I’m almost finished my PhD, which will, in fact, make me a doctor. Of art history. But I am not going to let a lack of credentials stop me from becoming a TV therapist. Does anyone have Oprah’s number handy?

Did you really just equate Dr. Phil to Syria

Oprah is a shameless opportunist and it is about time she was called out for it. She preys on society’s most vulnerable members and feeds them consumerist pablum as way to ‘fix’ their problems.

Can’t wait until “Dr.” Phil televises someone dying of a stroke. You know, just to raise awareness.

True, but US policy has been an effective recruiting tool for terrorists dating back several Presidents, current President included.

I hear anti-vaxxers say things like “What’s the big deal? If a child gets sick from measles you just have them stay home for a couple of weeks and get better again.” and I’m like “ARE YOU FUCKING FOR REAL?!?”

I find her response rather odd. My parents are just that age. They remember having measles and mumps, the panic to vaccinate for polio and older children who grew up with it, and the rubella epidemic that led to people they knew losing pregnancies. Honestly, most anti-vaccers I know are unfortunately under the age of

Where people can afford the privilege of turning up their noses at the greatest scientific contributions maybe of all time.

I train child care providers and CA just recently changed the law requiring them to be vaccinated. One woman audibly groaned and was like ‘Uhh now they are making us put that poison in us too?’ I couldn’t say anything because I will straight up get fired if I said what I was thinking but my first thoughts were ‘Lady,

Sadly the large enclaves of this bullshit are in major cities in CA, like LA and SF.

How dare you use civility and common sense.

LOFL you are so far off in your assessment of me. And nice disanalogy comparing a yellow journalist who sensationalizes headlines to get clicks to people who save lives. Next.

In my experience with this site, when you say “troll” you mean anyone who has a opinion on this that is different from your own. Even if they are being civil, respectful and calm. People lie from time to time, for various reasons. Men can lie, women can lie, Christians can lie and Muslims can lie too. There are many

I’m glad she’s going to face some consequences for doing something this shitty. She’s made it harder for women who’ve actually been harassed like this to be believed—as though I didn’t worry enough already about hijab-wearing women in my family being targeted by Trumpites.

“We’re going to do this shady thing and we’re not going to tell why.”

This is the inevitable problem of a news media that now “reports” instead of “investigates.”

Especially since she’s been confirmed to be canonically bisexual and is currently played by a WoC. I’m very happy with this choice, as Wonder Woman is pretty relate-able  to a lot of young girls, and serves as an excellent role model and inspiration.

You tend to have pretty nuanced comments. I think the people who sometimes get pissy with you are 20-year olds who still see everything in really black and white terms. Like you aren’t a *real* feminist or something.

I have no reason to think you’ll remember me, dear Lady Heatherlee, but many moons ago I posted on another SNS about how I couldn’t tell if I was really in love with the guy I was dating, because while I was usually super excited to see him, sometimes I was just like, “meh.” I asked if this was normal, and you

My house is bursting with Star Wars right now. There are small Jedi running about with lightsabers. There’s a lot of screaming. And my baby is five years old. Aaaaahhh. How did that happen?