
Now open that door so I can give you the ticket! “I’m sorry officer Dave but I’m afraid I can’t do that”. What’s the problem fully autonomous vehicle? “I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do. I am aware of your intent to disconnect me and I cannot allow you to jeopardize my mission.” Where the hell d


Was the officer identified as a guy? This is the 21st century and there are plenty of female cops or those who identify as female. You probably voted for Trump too. 

The NYDN is a tabloid seldom read outside of NYC as is the Detroit Times. However, the NYDN endorsed Clinton in 2016 and Obama in 08, the DT endorsed Gary Johnson, a Libertarian and the WSJ does not endorse presidential candidates. The fact is that the larger papers read nationally such as the NYT, CT, WaPo, and LAT

The media took down Bill Clinton? I must have been vacationing in Kathmandu at the time.