
That's still not a reason not to tip properly *today*.

White girl in the black dress and glasses gets invited to the picnic. Heck, she's probably been to a few already.

That cover photo, though.

"The purpose of this event is to be a monthly book club of sorts, except this one includes a DJ, lots of liquor and readings based on a theme."

He gone now

"I say it’s better to die never having found “the one” than to love with a guy who’s 5’10” or less. In fact, every guy under 6’2” should walk into traffic, at night, wearing all black."

More evidence of the whiteyfication of our children.

Thing is, I can totally see Drake stopping "to chat," too.


Prolly to some women, too.

That was my thought as well. "Not only do we have a Black man in here, he brought a Black woman with him!"

A very good read, as always!

Okay I got -14 and I don't lotion below my knees.

Was I the only one expecting a praise dance at the end? He really should have had an organist up there. Maybe in Paul Ryan's seat.

Thanks for this!

Dr. Huxtable, perhaps?

Would this be "straightsplaining?"

USA Today says, "A lovely race-themed list."