
This. Most of the money you pay for music never even gets to the artist, the record label keeps it.

A culture in which a mother burns her own daughter alive should’t be criticized? Fuck off with that moral relativism bullshit...

Why does pointing out one religion's shittiness prevent the same from happening to another religion? Both are shitty, and fuck you or anyone else who wants to hide behind accusations of ”racism” as a means to give one of them a pass.

I would add too that in general it is a bad sign when you need to pay more money to advance through the levels of any spiritual organization.

I studied Shuri-Ryu Karate and Okinawan Judo for about ten years—and yes, in demos, you are more or less always expecting that your partner will go with the technique. That’s primarily so that you can demonstrate how the technique -should- look to the audience without potentially harming your partner; you’re not

Play-Asia must be pissing themselves right now.

The point in my life where I feel so old I have absolutely no idea who this is someone change my bedpan please.

The rice to stuff ratio and the quick assembly make it my favorite to make.

I sound like I know what the fuck I want and have no reason to put up with what I don’t like.


Mental note: make all Facebook posts either about how much I enjoyed Firefly, or how much singing/dancing/bacheloring shows suck.

Easily one of the 14 best episodes of Firefly ever.

Two things.