
Ted Nugent May be a little wrongheaded about those kids, but his real legacy are the songs no one remembers

Please stop, your whole ilks act is just one display of bad faith after another. Also, the right is proud of doing thing just to “piss liberals off” so drop the holier than thou act. You and I don’t recall liberal talk radio, rv and other personalities attacking Barron, so just stop with the patently false outrage.

I mean, I get it. I don’t expect a politics site to get everything right about who directed a famous action film—

Roseanne isn’t merely a “Trump supporter,” she’s a full-on pizzagate-believing hate speech-peddling conspiracy theorist who refers to her perceived enemies as “filthy Nazi whores.”

With any luck maybe she’ll try that next.

Wait... “has treated my friends and I...”? Seems those schools were right to reject he.

Right around when most of the staff got replaced with entry level hacks using every one of these trash clickbait articles to push an agenda and the commentariat went from enjoying reasonable discussions to obediently going into agreeable hysterics. Just like any other website where the top comments somehow tend to shep

So did the counter culture of the 60's, but it’s not like that petered out into a fucking nightmare or anything.

That’s a load of garbiage.

Uh... Any medical device that heals everything without a massive bill or invasive procedure of any kind is good in my book.

“I do contract work in high schools.”

You should try eating at McPussys

“losing out instead to Guillermo Del Toro’s seventh best movie”

What a ridiculous comment. You don’t need to take away from del Toro’s accomplishment to laud Peele.

Jason Statham had the career that Michael J. White deserved.

Moe: I’m finally gonna see Easter Island.
Homer: Oh right, with the giant heads.
Moe: With the what now?

Standard AVC formula.

Because The Office is possibly the best TV show ever made, and yes I will stand by that. Keep in mind that it came out in 2001. Pretty much every TV comedy since is heavily indebted to it, and it holds up beautifully.

Since Gygax died in 2008, I think a lot of people are looking forward to the day Trump meets with Gary Gygax...

They...already did this, though? When Sandman ended DC released a monthly series called The Dreaming, not written by Gaiman but with his approval, which pretty much had the same premise (“How kids, how about those supporting characters? I bet they have some wacky adventures, huh?”) and ran for five years. This is

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