Sure, she doesn’t know who Jack White is, or what Eminem looks like. She made it on Jeopardy though, which is more than any of us have done with our lives.
Sure, she doesn’t know who Jack White is, or what Eminem looks like. She made it on Jeopardy though, which is more than any of us have done with our lives.
That fu*(*&^ing nobody is Starz. Starz is a channel of focus....commitment.....sheer will. Something you know very little about.
Ok, what the fuck problem do you have with david simon? What has david simon ever done to negate his history of both hiring black artists and representing black struggle (before it was fashionable)? Of portraying economic alienation before being a marxist became cool again? Because he said dumb shit on twitter a few…
“people don’t always get it”
Give a beach ball to a cow some time and you’ll understand the difference. They’ve got no control, no flair, and their balance is for shit. Seals, on the other hand...
Thanks for the great column that reminds us what all AV Club columns used to be like. I’m glad you’re keeping up the good fight with a new feature!
Really, really going to miss this column. It’s the last of what the AV Club used to be like. Very excited for your Age of Heroes column next!
He’s more Skoal now than man. Twisted and evil.
Boogie Nights is probably his best role. The Departed was good.
The Fighter, Four Brothers, Three Kings and Lone Survivor are good too, depending on taste.
It’s adorable to hear you put all those words together, almost as if you understood what they meant.
“No women, no kids.” - Leon
“No blacks either.” - studio executives
Because the solution to an unqualified billionaire President is a different unqualified billionaire President.
well we know middle class white women will support this since we know Oprah will give them gifts all the time
Why should she have to meet higher criteria than Trump?
Didn’t find anything worth making a fuss over
There is one inescapable conclusion... Bryan Fuller must take over the X-Files.
She’s not terribly funny to most people, and this website pushes her HARD.
No gorillas. Sad!
I don’t trust those RC Cola guys. Royal Crown? Who died and made them king of Soda?!
...the way Paul’s vocal fillers tend toward misogyny, talking about his dick, and, of course, a few choice racial slurs