
I still prefer his hilarious golfing videos.

I still don’t really understand the appeal of Andy Kaufman. Maybe if you view what he did more as art than comedy, but I really don’t get how he got so much lasting mainstream acceptance, especially considering that what he did was so specific to his decade. Can anyone here genuinely say they find Andy Kaufman funny?


How does this not have more stars? Oh all the dads are at work still.....

Doubt it all you want but it could easily be the thing that nudges somebody from an Android to an iPhone or an iPad or gives somebody a reason to buy an Apple TV or Apple-enbaled television.

Voice over: It really didn’t make any vroom vroom noises.

It’s like 17 different people who’ve never met each other post on your account.

Guy Fieri is like the heterosexual John Waters of food. He loves trash, wallows in trash, and promotes and makes it every chance he gets.

Wife enters room “Oh my God! Are you watching porn??”

All the guy does is travel the country trying to help small businesses that deserve it. And get shit on for it.

RULE #1: Dont do it because only dipshits do it.

Nah. Its a great movie. You didnt like it. More did.

All month long, this dumb website basically looked like the world’s most depressing advent calendar: every day until Christmas, a new alleged rapist will be revealed!

Because one OK movie is definitely reason enough to hand someone the keys to your multi-billion dollar franchises.

Apple better fucking fix this or I am going to keep buying their products anyway.

You’ve only been “tricked” by facebook if you’re fucking stupid enough to use facebook to get your news.

The AV Club has pivoted away from pop cultural analysis, and more towards “this person I don’t like still sucks”.

Did you miss the little scene between Rose and Finn there, and what she says just before she passes out? I’m paraphrasing here, but she says that the rebellion isn’t about killing something you hate but saving something you love. That’s what had to have passed through Luke’s mind when he spared his father’s life, and

Or, it could just be that they told a Star Wars story, and it just wasn’t the Star Wars story you wanted them to tell.

An interesting effect of all these endless sequels and reboots is that we’re getting a lot of big studio movies about the unrelenting passage of time, how it ultimately destroys all, and how all we can do is hope the next generation does a little better.