What a reductive load of horseshit.
What a reductive load of horseshit.
Here’s what the AV Club looked like ten years ago.
Hi Paul!
The Kansas City Chiefs had the best record in football. It was a different time.
if Hillary Clinton is your hero then you need to re-evaluate things
This tattoo is so dumb that it hurts my eyes. This is not cool at all.
I remember when this site used to be good
“How’d you afford this?”
A. “Kick-ass.” Really????
i thought i could edit, but apparently not-
Per the article linked:
Right? I criticize Oliver Sava too, but nobody accuses me of hating men. They just have certain quirks in their writing that are easy to pick apart.
Ya know, every now and then I read a reply to one of Monkey Boy’s comments, and I remember why I blocked him using Kinjamprove.
Fuck you, fuckball.
They say the fucking smog is the fucking reason you have such beautiful fucking sunsets.
Fuck yeah The Nice Guys. One of my favourite movies in recent years!
Ed O’Brien: Jeez, what a li’l crybaby!
How has anything I said indicated that? But the amount of articles acting as if it were only black people that voted for Doug Jones is ludicrous. Or they’re attacking white people as if white people didn’t vote for Doug Jones at all which is obviously not true. I applaud anyone who voted for Doug Jones. But to say…
Gosh. Apparently, aside from the habitual drug use, low-grade alcoholism and a general attitude of mean-spirited snarkiness, I’ve lead a exemplary life (so far).