must suck being that easily offended. How do you even function in the world?
must suck being that easily offended. How do you even function in the world?
Armond White in the comment section everybody!
The day I realized Top Men Guy is also Porkins in Star Wars and Lt. Eckhardt in Batman was...well...more exciting than it should have been.
I’m gonna start paying the kids down the block to bully my son more dammit. I want to go to the Avengers premier!
You gotta give him the Daredevil run. It was a very good run.
Defenders had a shortened season but I heard that felt stretched out too, right? I think it’s really up to creators to tell a story that fits the format. Steven S. DeKnight knew what he was doing with Daredevil S1: More episodic storytelling at first that eventually coalesces into an arc.
Maybe in the Netflix universe it’s a Con Ed slogan.
So yes to Robin. Holy fucking shit I’ve never hated a character as much as her.
This is going to be twee as fuck.
I don’t know. I’m pretty happy that I now get to see my favorite AV Club heroes on the same page as my favorite Gizmodo and Lifehacker heroes.
Fuck the X-Men. I just want the proper logo back in front of Episode 9, as god intended:
This is awful news.
No, I’m making fun of Bill Hicks for being an overrated tryhard.
“How Will Lena Dunham Disappoint Us This Time”
My first thought upon considering Patrick Stewart + Quentin Tarantino was Ben Kingsley’s amazing turn in Sexy Beast. And that got me super excited. But that’s not what we’re talking about here. We’re talking about Star Trek. Which, I dunno, does not get me super excited.
Everything about him is vile.
If nothing else, the current backlash against men behaving badly likely means the end of the Clintons as elected officials. It would be very difficult for Hillary to run again in 2020 (which you know she wants to do) with Bill at her side, and her history of working to delegitimatize his accusers massively compounds…
If being a white dude was all it takes, then Romney would be president. Almost any other Democrat would have beaten Trump soundly. The fact that he won says a lot more about what a horrific candidate Hillary way. She was not “fine.” She couldn’t seem to keep herself from lying, and was busted for it over and over. She…
The one thing keeping me going to Ain’t It Cool News was Quint’s holiday gift guide each year, and since he quit because his boss is a creep, I was afraid that guide was gone. Alas! it has found a new home over, where I assume he writes now, at Rooster Teeth