Glad I scrolled down to read these comments before I posted this myself.
Glad I scrolled down to read these comments before I posted this myself.
The guy reads off a teleprompter for a living.
You’re wrong.
Yay, no more auto-playing videos!
I mean, yeah. When you’re the most important rock act of your era, why would you need validation from a novelty like the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame?
On the day that donald trump dies, I will say to myself “I am sad that donald trump is dead, for I will never get to experience the joy of finding out he died ever again.”
What a fucking asshole.
The single best trailer of the year was “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri” redband. Any list missing this trailer is pretty suspect.
And do what, for fuck sake? Is Mueller going to stop investigating if we don’t keep “our eye on the goddamn ball?” Are Flynn’s lawyers going to reverse course if we don’t keep “our eye on the goddamn ball?” I’m so tired of all you “I’m-better-than-you-at-seeing-what-Trump’s-really-doing” assholes lecturing the rest of…
Karen is the fucking worst
I’m a longtime fan of Caroline Siede, but
Yay, it wasn’t just me.
yeah, I read it like that too :) .
“ someone who once accidentally wound up on an illegal death squad, I feel like Frank could be a little more understanding about the nuances...”
“We want our overdone, violent wish-fulfillment revenge fantasies to be grounded in reality, not some stupid comic book universe.”
Hey, they’re also Amazon’s Showroom.
No you wouldn’t.
Trader Joe’s. Trader Joe’s is by far the fucking worst, especially if it’s in a city. Always crowded, a bunch of dipshits picking through ingredients like they’re on Top Chef, and that fucking bell that rings every 30 seconds. I like most of their stuff there but would give up one of my children to never have to shop…