
Damon claims he didn’t try to kill the Harvey Weinstein story. All he knows is that can tell you the license plate numbers of all six cars out front. He can tell you that our waitress is left-handed and the guy sitting up at the counter weighs two hundred and fifteen pounds and knows how to handle himself. He know

Which is a damn shame. Especially because it was a better show.

For such a smart guy, you sure sound like a dumbass. Proclaiming your superiority via pithy internet post and telling people they’re wrong about what’s funny is definitely bottom-percentile behavior.

I am going to fucking flag every single asshole who posts that goddamn copypasta.

I hate you so much right now.

Exactly. In what world is a Trans Am cooler than a friggin helicopter??

the Scooby-Doo knockoff pet dog

I can confirm that Pitch Black was awesome in the theater.

Tom, I’m getting depressed since we’re drawing close to our current year and while I look forward to reading this column through your pick for 2017 I’m not sure I want to live in a world where I can’t read your analysis of action movies every other week. So, either pitch a Dig Deep Into the Runners-Up column or start

Aliens should not even be on, that movie sucks.

Seen all of them except for The Eternal Mind of the Dicked Head, which I can’t watch because Jim Carrey’s in it.

“Hey everybody, we’re all gonna get laid!”

There was an actual scientific study a few years ago that claimed The Beatles were not that influential in the long run. If I remember right, Kraftwerk and Krautrock were found to be more influential than The Beatles and the British Invasion bands.

so what else is new?  this happens over & over & over & it’s going to continue to happen for 2 terms b/c he will not leave or be forced out. get outraged all you want but this is an echo chamber.

Larry would be very offended at the implication that he’s cranky. He’s not cranky. He’s pleasant! He’s a joy to be around. People love him. He can be very affable when he chooses to be. Your worry is making him cranky, that’s what it is.

But seriously, they’ve ruined this website. Or... come pretty close.

You’re a stupid piece of garbage. Go play in traffic, it’ll make the world a less annoying place.

In comparison to ongoing wars, multiple catastrophic disaster relief efforts, the looming threat of nuclear conflict with North Korea, and health care repeal efforts that will remove coverage from over 20 million Americans, yes I would call this a distraction. It’s even a distraction from the issues of police

A suggestion for the NFL: don’t play the national anthem this weekend.

We should have just let him be elected King of the Pop Culture Hill. Maybe than he would have left us alone.