
Isn’t that the case for everything Ennis has done?

Out of the 24 so far, how many have been ‘good’?

I thought it was cape and sceptre,

Fuck it, I’ll see your billion and raise to 1.6

At the rate those things fly and the apparent expendability of their pilots, I doubt close target manual targeting is even a tie fighter option 

No, sorry, Hillary and Bill are both bad people... not Trump level bad but still pretty fucking awful and seemingly have no sense of self-awareness.

Glad I’m not the only one who came here to say this.

Is UVa a national powerhouse? Constantly near the top of meaningless regular season polls, sure, but No one in the know ever expects them to win more than 3 tournament games in any given year and this has nothing to do with UMBC

As a Charlottesville resident and non-Hoo, I would love to see them exposed 2 years in a row... this time by a team that was a high school until about 1930.

Yeah like everyone wasn’t sick of that fucking song in 1998.

Seriously, that soundtrack is sucky and lazy as fuck, hard to figure why it’s so beloved. Come to think of it, that kind of describes the GoG movies 

Fuck you.

This is the post where I want to think about how JCM will be regarded when he shrugs off this mortal coil.

The ability to talk about it without having to wrap our mouths around nonsense words like “Genisys”, for once.’

I’m not sure she has a strong enough understanding of, well pretty much anything she hasn’t touched, seen or tasted, to lie for personal gain in this particular instance. 

Just letting you know I got the livestock reference.  

As an 80 or so percent straight male, she’s just not attractive enough, all respect to tha goddess Tilda.

I think both are great movies but I don’t think the similarities are terribly deep. 

When 63 years old you reach, we’ll see how you look

The real tragedy is that anyone knows who this guy is.